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My Angel at 3 days
Shawn, Brandon & Shannon
Love-Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo 10/08
Halloween Memories
Love- Jason & Jessica 10/08
Forever Mom's shining star
Rest In Peace- Love-Aunt Sheryl
Love Always- Aunt Sheryl 10/08
September 27, 2008

Brandon- Today Jason and Jennifer wed! We were very sad that you were not here with us physically to witness the beautiful ceremony. We felt you here with us spiritually as your presence warmed up the Church. Jennifer was a very beautiful bride and Jason was a very handsome groom. Jason's daughter Desiree was the flower girl. She is so precious. A beautiful blonde haired doll! She looks a lot like her Daddy! She was also blessed at the alter along with Jason and Jenn. They make such a beautiful family. I know that you will continue to watch over them as you watch over all of us always. Shawn Berhman was the best man in your place. No offense to Shawn but I know that if you were here you would have stood up for them. Shawn is such an awesome guy and he spoke to us about his special memories of you, him, Shannon, Jason, and Jessica from throughout your childhood years together. It warmed my heart as he spoke about you with such love and respect. Shawn is married to a really sweet, beautiful young lady. His toast to Jason and Jennifer was truly inspiring and he also spoke about how our family helped bring him up. Shawn and Jason remind me a lot of you! Warm, loving and kind!

  Thinking of you always~with smiles on our faces~and tears in our hearts!  

  Remembering you always! Loving and missing you!

  Rest in peace Sweet Angel!

  Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo

July 26, 2008

Hey Brandon- Today we received Jason and Jenn's wedding invitation. The wedding is going to be on September 27, 2008. Jason and Jenn wanted you to be a part of their wedding so much that they asked your Mom if it would be ok if you were part of their very special day. Of course your Mom was very touched by this gesture and told them how much that would mean to her. They are going to have a spot for you as they walk down the aisle to say their wedding vows and you will have a place at the wedding party table. Having you be a part of this celebration really warms our hearts. We will feel your spirit within us and be both joyful and sad. It is going to be a very bittersweet day. We know that your spirit will fill the room with warmth, laughter, and tears. You and Jason both had your difficulties over the years but throughout it all you both shared a very special bond and loved each other always. You will forever be cousins and best friends! Rest In Peace Sweet Angel! Thinking of you daily~ with smiles on our face's and tears in our hearts.  Remembering you always! Love Always- Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo

Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo

Brandon- We think about you each and every day with smiles on our faces` and tears in our hearts.  We miss you so very much! We are so very proud of your Mom for continuing your fight for you. She loves and misses you so very much! We will always cherish all the precious moments that we spent with you. We feel so sad that we didn't have more years to be with you. We love you so much and our hearts never stop aching over your absence in our lives. Please watch over us Sweet Angel and know that one day we will all be together again! God Bless You! Rest In Peace Brandon Tyler!

P.S. Meg talks about you all the time! Today she told me that she wanted to go up to heaven and give you and her Nana big hugs and kisses. So Precious she is!

Mother of An Angel

A Birthday Moon- Full and Shining Brightly like my love for you Brandon.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Sweet Angel - I LOVE YOU



Happy Birthday Brandon

A special Birthday wish from Mary Lynn Baker, mother of Angel Megan Baker

Karen and Angel Geoff
Karen and Angel Geoff
Mother of An Angel

Valentine's Day 2008 - My first without my sweet son.

For Brandon Tyler, my Sweet Valentine in Heaven 

I Love you so much Honey - Mom

(This is an ad I ran in our local paper today.)

Christine, Luke's Mom

Keep dancing Brandon!!!!!!  Give Luke a hug for me.




Christine, Luke's Mom

Forever Brandon's Mom

Brandon and an Angel dancin' on the Moon !!



Gift from Brandon

I believe with all my heart that this rainbow around the moon on this Christmas Eve, Brandon's first Christmas in Heaven, is a special gift from my Sweet Angel - Thank you Brandon -  All My Love, MOM


Merry Christmas Honey - I Love you and Miss you so very much

First Christmas with Jesus 2007

I’m Spending Christmas With Jesus This Year

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below,

With tiny lights like Heavens stars

Reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular

please wipe away that tear

for I’m spending Christmas

with Jesus this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs

that people hold so dear,

but the sounds of music can’t compare

with the Christmas choir up here.

For I have no words to tell you

the joy their voices bring,

for it is beyond description

to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me

I see the pain inside your heart

for I’m spending Christmas

with Jesus this year.

I can’t tell you of the splendor

of the peace here in this place,

can you just imagine Christmas

with our Savior face to face?

I’ll ask Him to light your spirit

as I tell Him of your love,

so then pray for one another

as you lift your eyes above.

So please let your hearts be joyful

and let your spirit sing,

for I’m spending Christmas in Heaven

and I’m walking with the King.

Forever Missing You

Who You’d Be Today

By Kenny Chesney


Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
I still can't believe you're gone

It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you'd be today

Would you see the world, would you chase your dreams
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Some days the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
I know it might sound crazy

It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you'd be today

Today, today, today
Today, today, today

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I'll see you again someday

Brandon also Enjoyed
Some more of the things that Brandon liked:

Sour Patch Kids candy

Razzing me for liking the NY Yankees

Surprising me – on my Birthday last year Brandon drove down from NJ, arriving at 6pm with a beautiful bouquet of roses – he said he felt so bad the entire trip for going the entire day without having yet called me to say ‘Happy Birthday’, but he was afraid I’d hear him in the car and figure something was up.

Reading the Consumer Report

Visiting Baltimore MD – he loved the excitement and the nightlife

Watching wrestling on TV

Acting silly with me – when Brandon was little we’d look over at the cars next to us at the stop light and make goofy or scary faces – most would be surprised at first and then smile –Brandon and I would laugh so hard we’d cry. Another time he danced around the grocery store isle singing a goofy song he made up about buying toilet paper. Jess and I were laughing so hard and trying to run away and he just kept following us singing the ‘potty’ song.

Some more of his favorite foods:
Cheese ravioli’s
Pepperoni Pizza !! (he really missed good NJ pizza when he moved back to VA)
Bloomin’ Onions from Outback Steakhouse
Frosted Flakes
Philly Cheese Steaks
Cheese Omelets – He was always asking me to flip it for him because he’d always make them look messy and he hated messy looking food.

Saving things – Brandon was really sentimental

Operating construction equipment (any and all, the bigger the better)

Power tools – whenever I would try to fix something he’d tell me to ‘hold on’ and run and get one of his power tools – usually bigger than needed for the job – a guy thing I guess.

Giving respect, but more importantly, getting it back in return.

Believe it or not – Job interviews- Brandon had a knack for winning people over – he never went on a job interview where he wasn’t hired on the spot.

Fishing - we'd go all the time when he was little. He went a couple times with Uncle Leo and Jason on Uncle Leo's boat and would sometimes go with Daniel.

He felt really special that Pop-Pop hand-picked some guns for him from his collection - He said he would never use them, he was going to put them in a shadowbox - unfortunately, Brandon never got back to NJ to get them.
Total Memories: 89
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