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Heavenly Signs for Mom

03/15/08 - I have to tell you all about a special and unique sign from Brandon - I hesitate telling the story because it means that sign may not be able to be sent again with authenticity but I am too excited to not tell-

A few weeks ago I asked Brandon for a very special sign, something unique that would just mean something to he and I, something to let me know that he was ok and could hear me. I was very specific in the sign telling him exactly what is was I wanted to see - I asked him daily all the while telling him I knew it was a hard one to send but to please try - well I got it last night with the help of another Angel and his Mom from my support group.
As some of you know Brandon has the Chinese symbol of his zodiac tattooed on his chest and you may recall how I teased him all the time about it looking like Gumby - It was something we joked about whenever he had his shirt off.  So, I asked him to send me Gumby - Unique and out of the ordinary.
Last night Maureen, a mom from my on line support group, lit a candle for Brandon - She is someone who is not very active in the group (she reads but doesn't normally post a message) and hadn't lit a candle for Brandon before - as I usually do after someone takes the time to visit Brandon, I visited her son John's website to learn more about him and light a candle for him in return. While looking through his photos there right in front of me was a TATTOO OF GUMBY that her son John had had.  I was shocked and excited.  I immediately wrote her an email explaining what had happened and she confirmed that she reads the group messages but doesn't post - she said something just told her to go to Brandon's website and light a candle last night - it wasn't like I had been speaking to her or wrote to her before - she said she just had a feeling.
I know that this is NOT a coincidence - I know that Brandon, with the help of Maureen's Angel John, did that as a way to get me to that website to see of all things A TATTOO OF GUMBY.
I think Brandon knew how much I needed to hear from him right now. My sweet son continues to amaze me with his undying love for me. 
I hope this touches you half as much as it touched me.

01/24/08 - THIS IS THE 2ND TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED !! - This morning my computer/scanner started scanning, but it was TURNED OFF, there was no power going to it - I kept checking the ON button. but it was most definitely OFF - it scanned for almost a minute and brought the biggest smile to my face - thank you sweetie for visiting Mom today - you always know how to make your Mom smile - I love you Brandon !!


01/15/08 - I was sitting in the LR earlier thinking of Brandon and looking at his memory wall and crying - I was feeling so alone and empty - I had the TV volume on low but kept thinking I was hearing other noises, like someone talking, but every time I muted the TV I didn't hear anything.  I was thinking that perhaps it was my mind playing tricks on me, wishful thinking after the recent ADC discussion on voices. This continued for almost an hour, me thinking I'm hearing something but when I silenced the room, nothing - it seemed to be getting louder so I got up from the chair to look out the window thinking someone was outside and it was a car radio - I saw nothing and no one - on the way back into the LR I walked passed the dining room table and swore I heard Brandon's voice - I stopped and muted the tv again and waited and then I hear it again - it sounds like it's coming from my cell phone but that can't be it's not one of those walkie talkie phones and it didn't ring and I look and there isn't a missed call when suddenly I hear "hey, what's up it's Brandon, leave a message" - Brandon's cell phone voice message - I ran to Brandon's cell phone to see if it said missed call or was somehow connected to mine thinking I had accidently called his phone earlier - no missed call, no activity on either cell phone - then I hear it again and again (a phone message is one time and then beeps, this kept repeating itself over and over) I held that phone and listened and cried and cried all the while thanking my sweet son - then it stopped and I cried harder because it stopped.   This is the most amazing thing and had I not experienced it may not have believed it -  Oh Brandon, Thank you baby for making me smile. I love you honey.



01/07/08 - This morning my computer/scanner started scanning, but it was TURNED OFF, there was no power going to it - I kept checking the ON button. but it was most definitely OFF - it scanned for almost a minute and brought the biggest smile to my face - thank you sweetie for visiting Mom today - I love you Brandon !!


12/31/07 - Brandon where those your arms hugging me tightly through baby Sidney? His parents said he never let's anyone hold him like he let me on New Years Eve.  He kept hugging me tightly when his Dad tried to take him from me - it so warmed my heart and I just feel like you had something to do with that, knowing I desperately needed to hear from you on New Year's Eve, just like always - Thank you honey, I hope you felt my arms huging you back - I love you.


12/24/07 - Brandon, Thank you for the beautiful diamond ring for Christmas - you always get me the most wonderful gifts.  I carry it with me everyday on my keychain as it's a little big and I don't want to rsik losing it if it falls off my finger. Oh, and I saw the beautiful red ring around the moon and I know you led me outside just in time to see how beautiful it was - Thank you baby for staying close to me - I love you honey.


11/21/07 - SIGNS ???

While driving through one neighborhood I passed a house that had of those Big Stork announcements on the front lawn - the name of their new bundle 'Brandon'. I passed the house, thinking back to the day Brandon arrived. I proceeded to drive through the center of town where there is a huge clock - I didn't look at the clock but for some reason something caught my eye - I looked up and the time was 3:21, Brandon was born on 3/21.



Last night I prayed to Brandon and to GOD to please send me a sign, that I had to know that Brandon was near - well this morning my sweet Angel came in LOUD and clear to let me know he is with me. I had the alarm on my cell phone set for 9:30 am and it did in fact alarm at that time and I turned it off - yet it wouldn't go off. The sound setting said OFF for all 3 alarms yet the alarm continued to sound. I pushed every button, but it continued to alarm. Then I smiled and said "well, Brandon I did ask, huh?" . I had to actually turn the phone completely off to get the alarm to stop sounding, but much to my dog Nikki's dismay I let the alarm wail for almost 15 minutes before stopping it, for as loud as it was it brought me so much peace- Thank You Brandon !!




Ongoing - I know this one is a bit weird, but I have read somewhere that it happens and I truly believe it has happened to me and continues on a semi-regular basis. Sometimes while snuggling in bed with Brandon's one cat Squeeks, he will look up at me, very intense but at the same time almost soothing and he'll stretch his paw and touch my cheek, His eyes look very different and even his eye color is different, more dark blue than green. It's a very different behavior than is his usual when he snuggles with me. It doesn't happen all the time but when it does I get this very strange feeling of peaceful comfort and I swear that somehow my son is communicating with me through his cat.

Week of my Birthday 09/02/07 - While out back in my yard I found what looked like a piece of jade jewelry with gold inlay hanging from my lawnmower - I did not realize at the time that it was a Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis - What a wonderful birthday gift,  to see the lifecycle and birth of a butterfly.


08/16/07 - Although Brandon's website was not up and running the music form the home page was playing on the computer - The music was only available on the hostedwebpage and was not saved anywhere on the computer.


07/30/07 - I was sitting out back in my yard and having a very blue morning and asked Brandon to please send me a sign that he was ok, seconds later a butterfly came and fluttered around me and flew off. I said "Brandon, if that's you please send me another one" and seconds later a 2nd butterfly flew by.


07/12/07 - Microwave clock suddenly started displaying to military time.


They say that dimes are a way that a loved one will communicate - I have found dimes on the following dates:


10/18/2007 - While out shopping today I was having an especially tough time. It seemed every isle I went down had some sort of holiday decorations. Even walking past the jewelry counter was tough seeing all the jewelry and trinkets that said 'Mom'. I walked around mostly with my head down, paid for my items and left. I stopped outside the exit to retrieve my car keys and sunglasses and there on the ground was a shiny dime.  I smiled as I picked it up and looked up to Heaven and said "I'm thinking of you too Sweety".


07/21/07 - I was hugging Brandon's favorite leather jacket to smell his scent and wrapped my hands around it and then put them in the pockets - I found 2 dimes in the left pocket (Brandon is left-handed). I know they were not there before because I had cleaned out his pockets before packing the jacket to move.


07/20/07 - Out back on the patio, was not there earlier in day and had not had purse out there earlier.


07/16/07 - I didn't want to go to work today, I just wanted to stay home and 'be with' Brandon. But I had to go. When I got there, I opened my car door and stepped out and there it was, all bright and shiny, on the ground in the parking lot right beside my foot.



I Love you Brandon April 1, 2010
Dimes from Heaven

My sign from Brandon ~ I was cleaning out my car today and while wiping down the inside of the little storage area on passenger door I heard something clinking around. I stuck my hand in and felt not one but two dimes. Just as I lifted them out the suction cup butterfly I have on my rear view mirror fell off and landed on the seat beside me. I knew Brandon was right there beside me today. Oh how I love getting those signs. Thank you so much baby for making me smile. I Love you ~ Mom

March 2009 April 1, 2010
Angels Among Us - my sign from Brandon
I was thinking about something I could do one day to Honor Brandon and his memory. I couldn't help but think how difficult it is to find memorial items without buying them online. I prefer to see it to make sure it is exactly what i want. I thought about opening a store that would sell memorial gifts, garden items, angels, handmade work from local artists and craftspeople and such. I imagined it with an indoor Koi pond and a huge stone fireplace with stuffed sofa's around it to welcome people to come and sit and talk about their loved one. I would do workshops to help with memorial websites and a quilting class for memory quilts. I would decorate the walls with photos of all the Angel's I met in my support groups, now Brandon's friends in Heaven. I thought I would call it "Angels Among Us". I asked Brandon what he thought about it and went to bed thinking of Brandon and my new idea. On my way to work the next day I was still daydreaming about it when I came to a stop light. I looked up and a dump truck (like Brandon used to drive) was stopped in front of me ~ my heart skipped a beat when a saw a huge decal on the tailgate of the truck that read "Angels Among Us". I smiled all the way to work and all day as I knew Brandon liked and approved of one of the ways I hope to honor him.

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