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Mother's Day without You

My Dearest Brandon -


A mother's worst nightmare
A mother's worst fear
To live on without you
Each day and each year

No words can express
How my heart misses you
Unless you have lived this
You haven't a clue

Tears meet me each day
There is heartache and pain
Life is not living
I'm physically drained

It doesn't get better
Doesn't just go away
We don't just move on
As so many might say

I have heard all the answers
From those that don't know
They have said it is time
I must simply let go

I pretend that I listen
And sometimes I nod
I continue to live life
With mask and facade

No one can see it
I hide it so well
It's my little secret
I have learned not to tell

The pain in my heart
That I carry inside
Will always be with me
To never subside

Until we meet in Heaven Brandon you will always be on my mind and be forever in my heart - I Love You Honey - Love Mom


used with permission
In loving memory of Joey and his heavenly buddies
Lyndie Sorenson
March 2007 revised © July 2008

Missing Brandon on Mother's Day

Yesterday... poem

Wasn't it only yesterday
You made your first debut
So sweet, so tiny, so wonderful
a new life for me and you

As I held you close within my arms
Gazed upon your tiny face
I knew within a moment
You could never be replaced

As you grew into the special you
My love for you grew too
My handsome son with so much charm
Bright smile, six foot two

I miss the times together
Your love that shined so bright
When you left my heart just shattered
Now nothing seems quite right

The world should have exploded
Torrential rains, or hurricanes
Sunny days lost forever
Only darkness should remain

It hurts to see life move on
As I am held captive by the day
I was told you did not make it
Those words took my breath away

Now I cry when no ones looking
Wear a mask to hide this pain
I keep it hid inside me....
Where forever it will remain


written by my sweet friend Lyndie and used with her permission - she always seems to write exactly what I feel.

In loving memory of Joey Sorenson 1/5/82-7/19/ In
Lyndie Sorenson
©copyright 2007 revised ©2009


Brandon, I love you and miss you so very much - today, tomorrow, forever and a day - Forever your loving Mom

Forever Brandon's Mom



These are just a few of the Mother's Day gifts my son Brandon gave me over the years that I treasure. I have not yet been able to go through his childhood memory box for the handmade ones - too painful now, but one day.


Thank You Brandon for these special memories - I am so very proud to be your Mom.

I Love you and miss you so very much - today, tomorrow, forever and a day !!

Jesus welcomes Brandon
John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only  begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
I Miss You so much Brandon
Brandon's 1st 9 months
My Angel
This Mom would walk to Heaven
I thought I saw you today

This poem was written by a very special friend of mine for her handsome son Anthony Paul after he sadly received his Angel Wings in June of 2006 - Ant, Soar High among the clouds with my sweet son Brandon - Thank You Nat for sharing this very touching poem -


Soar High Honey, I Luv You
My Son Brandon
Forever Brandon's Mom
Love Always~Pop-Pop
Love Always~Mema
Love Always~Aunt Sheryl
Brandon & Jason~Forever Friends!
Brandon and Mom 1982
Brandon's 19 month Angel Day

580 days ago today my son, Brandon Tyler Beshada, received his Angel Wings and left this earth to go to Heaven. I think of you Brandon every second of every day and miss you terribly. My heart is broken and shattered - my love for you forever strong. All My love forever and always - Mom


Mother of An Angel

580 Days ago you received your Angel Wings and began your journey to Heaven to be with GOD. How I wish he would have let you stay here with me. I love you and miss you more than I can express.


Love Always- Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Proud Mom
My Brandon Growing Up
Total Memories: 89
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