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Aunt Sheryl LaBarge December 20, 2007
The Broken Chain
The Broken Chain...
Author Unknown


We little knew that morning; God was going to call your name,
In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone,
For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories, your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you, you're always at our side.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.

We Love and Miss you so very much!!
We think of you every minute of our day. You will live within our hearts always!
Poem from Heaven December 20, 2007
If Only You Could See
If Only You Could See

I know you're feeling sad today
because I had to go.
I know you have so many things
that remind you of me so.
And though you cry as you recall
the times you spent with me.
I know your pain would turn to joy
if only you could see.
I'm in Heaven with Jesus now.
We laugh, we sing, we play.
He holds me gently in His arms.
I know no pain today.
And though we're apart for a little while,
Jesus has promised me
He'll someday bring you here
where we'll live for eternity.

-Author Unknown
Forever Brandon's Mom December 20, 2007
I Am With You Always
I Am With You Always

As you hold me close in memory,
Even though we are apart,
My spirit will live on,
There within your heart...

I am with you always.

When you lean on trusted friends
And their caring hugs enfold you,
Within their loving arms,
I'll be there to hold you...

I am with you always.

And beyond the far horizon
When we'll finally be together
Where love will be eternal,
And life will last forever...

I am with you always.

-Author Unknown
Aunt Sheryl LaBarge December 20, 2007
Remember Me

Author Unknown

To the living I am gone,
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated
But to the happy, I am at peace.
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot speak, but I can listen
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So, as you stand upon a shore,
Gazing at the beautiful sea-
Remember Me.
Remember Me in your hearts
Your thoughts and your memories
Of the times we cried,
The times we fought,
The times we laughed,
For if you always think of me,
I will never be gone from your side.

submitted by Aunt Sheryl LaBarge April 17, 2007

Forever Brandon's Mom December 20, 2007
Eskimo Legend
Eskimo Legend --
Perhaps they are not stars in the sky,
but rather openings
where our loved ones shine down
to let us know
they are happy
Uncle Albert Beshada December 20, 2007
Letter to Mom

Letter to Mom

Mom, please don’t feel guilty
It was just my time to go.
I see you are still feeling sad,
And the tears just seem to flow.

We all come to earth for our lifetime,
And for some it’s not many years
I don’t want you to keep crying
You are shedding so many tears.

I haven’t really left you
Even though it may seem so.
I have just gone to my heavenly home,
And I’m closer to you than you know.

Just believe that when you say my name
I’m standing next to you,
I know you long to see me,
But there’s nothing I can do.

But I’ll still send you messages
And hope you understand,
That when your time comes to “cross over,”
I’ll be there to take your hand.


submitted by Uncle Albert Beshada on April 18, 2007

Forever Brandon's Mom December 20, 2007
I Yearn








written by Sandy Beshada, April 11, 2007 in Loving Memory of her son Brandon

Forever Brandon's Mom December 20, 2007
I Lost my Child Today

I lost my child today
This grief I cannot bear

Please come to me with memories
So we may sit and share

I want to hear your stories of him
And know how much you care

I sit and cry and think of him
His pictures I do stare

He lived his life an honest man
Of that you are aware

Dear Lord above I say to him
This is just so unfair


written by Sandy Beshada, April 12, 2007 in Loving Memory of her son Brandon

Forever Brandon's Mom December 20, 2007
I can't believe

I can't believe it's been a week
since you were laid to rest

They say you are in heaven now
God only takes the best

I tried to keep you safe and warm
and help to ease your pain

I fear I let you down my Son
this guilt it will remain

I look above to the stars at night
and pray that you forgive

I wanted just the best for you
this nightmare I must live

I love you and miss you so, so much Brandon


written by Sandy Beshada, April 12, 2007 in Loving Memory of her son Brandon

Leo LaBarge December 20, 2007
We see you there


So we see you there,
In your swim trunks
Standing there with Jason
Laughing, we remember
Then suddenly…

You’re there
in your Little League outfit
a Big Leaguer in size fives
We remember that too

You’re there again,
in your Army uniform
Tall, proud,
We remember

We watched you grow
Learn, change, mature,
Become a man
We know, we remember

Then suddenly,

Suddenly you were gone

Suddenly our phone rings and it’s your Mom
And we hear her through her tears
And we don’t believe it
And it’s all true

And suddenly we stop

We grieve

We miss you

Look after us Brandon.
As we look toward you
And suddenly we realize
how much we've always loved you

rest well

written by Brandon's Uncle Leo LaBarge

Dennis Cook December 20, 2007


Grief is like a jagged rock that you bury deep in your pocket,
It's sharp edges forcing you to take it out and examine it from time to time.
Even when you do not want to.

And when it is too heavy to carry, you must ask a friend to hold it so you can rest.

As time passes it is a little easier to take the rock out of your pocket.
It doesn't seem to weigh as much.

Now you show it to a circle of friends and, occasionally, even a stranger.

One day you pull out the rock and suprisingly, it doesn't even hurt.

For the edges are no longer jagged but smoothed out by time, touch and tears.

Author unknown

Jessica Rowe December 20, 2007
Some People

My Dearest Brandon,

There are so many things that I wish I could say to you. We spent 3 of the best years of my life together. You were not only my boyfriend and fiancé, but my best friend. When we parted ways we both said it was not forever and that some day our paths would cross again. You always assured me that we would one day get to have the wedding that we always planned, but unfortunately you were taken from me too soon. Though I truly believe in my heart that one day our paths will still cross again just in a different place now. I hope you know what you have done for me. Without you in my life I would not be the person that I have become today.

They say that "Some people come into our lives
and leave footprints on our hearts
and we are never ever the same.

Some people come into our lives
and quickly go... Some stay for awhile
and embrace our silent dreams.

They help us become aware
of the delicate winds of hope...
and we discover within every human spirit
there are wings yearning to fly.

They help our hearts to see that
the only stairway to the stars
is woven with dreams...
and we find ourselves
unafraid to reach high.

They celebrate the true essence
of who we are...
and have faith in all
that we may become.

Some people awaken us
to new and deeper realizations...
for we gain insight
from the passing whisper of their wisdom

Throughout our lives we are sent
precious souls...
meant to share our journey
however brief or lasting their stay
they remind us why we are here.

To learn... to teach... to nurture... to love

Some people come into our lives
to cast a steady light
upon our path and guide our every step
their shining belief in us
helps us to believe in ourselves.

Some people come into our
lives to teach us about love...
The love that rests within ourselves.

Let us reach out to others
and feel the bliss of giving
for love is far richer in action
that it ever is in words.

Some people come into our lives
and they move our souls to sing
and make our spirits dance.

They help us to see that everything on earth
is part of the incredibility of life...
and that it is always there
for us to take of its joy.

Some people come into our lives
and leave footprints on our hearts
and we are never ever the same."

I want you to know that you have left foot prints in my heart that will never fade away.

Please watch over your family and friends, keep us safe and help us through these tough times. I love Brandon....until we meet again.

submitted by Jessica Rowe on April 7, 2007

Meg Irene Beshada December 20, 2007
In My Pocket

In My Pocket

I have memories in my pocket.
They rattle among the change.

My memories of you are treasures I carry wherever I go.

They are stored in bits and pieces, parts of a beautiful whole
They give me comfort when I think I am alone.

Yes, I have memories in my pocket, like so much other stuff I keep there.

But of all the treasures I have, it’s the memories of you that are the most precious.

Submitted by Brandon's 3yr old niece Meg Irene Beshada on 4/7/07

Forever Brandon's Mom December 20, 2007
I'll Lend to you a Child of Mine
The Lord said ...

"I'll lend for a little time a child of mine, for you to love the while he lives, and mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years - or 28 or 33, but will you, until I call him back, take care of him for me?
He'll brings his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief, you'll have his warm memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise he will stay, since all from earth return, but there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn, I've looked the world over in my reach for teachers true, and from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love, and not think the labor vain, Nor hate me when I come to call to take him back again?"

"I fancied that I heard them say:


For all the joy thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we'll run. We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may. And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay.
But should the Angels call him, much sooner than we planned, we'll have the bitter grief that comes and try to understand."

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