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***********Let me help you show the world your Sweet Angel***********

PLEASE ADD YOUR ANGEL'S PHOTO AND/OR WEBSITE LINK TO BRANDON'S ANGEL FRIENDS PAGE. Go to the bottom of the page and click on add text, a new window will open and you can add your text, website link and if you'd like upload a photo. To upload a photo click on browse, locate the file with your Angel's photos. click on that photo and click open to upload- don't forget to hit send to save everything. If you make a mistake don't worry, just send me an email and I can edit it for you.

Steven Wiley February 9, 2008
Steven Picture
image Sandy I am so sorry for the loss of your angel wish none of us were on this hard road we travel. this is a picture of my angel Steven Donna mother to Steven 1/22/68-10/13/05
Visha, Olya's Father January 12, 2008
Olesya 'Olya' Novikova

Olya - 22 months

January 27 1998 - November 30 1999

Moscow, Russia

Debbie Booy January 12, 2008
Christopher D Booy

Christopher D Booy

21yrs  - 7/15/85 - 08/04/06

suv accident

Dee, Mom of Paul January 9, 2008
Paul John LaFaver
Karen Jenkins January 8, 2008
Geoffrey P. Edwards

What a beautiful thing to do for us, dear Sandy.  May God bless and comfort you always.  May He bring to you some peace of mind and heart.  I love you dearly,

honey.  We both lost our only children.  TEARS ALWAYS FALLING FOR US.

Carol, Mom of Bradley January 8, 2008
Bradley Lanch Clifton
image Http://
Debbie Lowder, Mom of Gary January 8, 2008
William Gary Lowder, Jr
image William Gary Lowder, Jr.
(Little Gary )

June 14, 1975 - June 6, 2002

_www.garylowderjr. com_ (http://www.garylowd
Edie, Mom of Jason Paul Hilton January 6, 2008
Jason Paul Hilton

Jason Paul Hilton  September 25, 1978~February 15, 2003

Missing our blue-eyed boys.  Send your mothers some signs Brandon & Jason.

We sure are missing you guys.

Jeri and Keith Haffer December 8, 2007
Jessica Kassandra Haffer

When think back on these times, and dreams we left behind, I’ll be glad cause I was blessed to get to have you in my life. When I look back on these days, I’ll look and see your face. You were right there for me. In my dreams I’ll always see you soar above the sky. In my heart there’ll always be a place for you. For all my life I’ll keep a part of you with me, and every where I am there you’ll be.

Mom forever of Jessica Kassandra Haffer, blessed by her birth October 2, 1989 privileged by her mortal presence until a hand gun, during a blizzard November 23, 2003 changed forever in a trail of tears   Thank you for visiting our beloved daughter’s site and taking the time to sign her guestbook.  Words cannot express the comfort this gives us.


Jocular – Loves to make people laugh and can play a jokester better than most.  Ultimate goal is to see a smile on someone’s face especially when it started out as a frown.


Exhilarating – An amazing personality that is vibrant and effervescent like a magnet you are just attracted to the energy that she radiates.


Sensitivity- should be her middle name. Sensitivity and compassion never escaped her attention.  In her world, needs are always met without sacrifice and without asking.


Social Butterfly – Loves to have people around and has an uncanny ability to see the true nature of someone’s soul.  No one is ever left out and essentially everyone has an invitation to be her friend and confidant.


Intelligent – Remarkably intelligent and insightful on so many matters regardless of nature with emphasis on martial arts, music, academics, and worldly affairs.


Compassionate- and has a heart of Gold.  She is an absolute saint to so many people.  They just have to dig deep into their soul and open their eyes and heart to feel her love and caring.


Ambitious- always wanted to conquer a new adventure or goal.  If she wants your attention she will get it some way or  some how.  If wants to learn something she will do everything in her power to do so.

Written by Jessica’s friend Kelly Thiel


Luke's Mom December 5, 2007



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