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***********Let me help you show the world your Sweet Angel***********

PLEASE ADD YOUR ANGEL'S PHOTO AND/OR WEBSITE LINK TO BRANDON'S ANGEL FRIENDS PAGE. Go to the bottom of the page and click on add text, a new window will open and you can add your text, website link and if you'd like upload a photo. To upload a photo click on browse, locate the file with your Angel's photos. click on that photo and click open to upload- don't forget to hit send to save everything. If you make a mistake don't worry, just send me an email and I can edit it for you.

Meg Beshada April 18, 2015
love u brandon your in a better place now this is meg wish u were still here tell all of my grandmas i love them and everyone else
cathy fernandes March 25, 2012
My Angel Brandon
image Hi Brandon how is everyone there, my Brandon is also gone there, say hi to him tell him mama loves him and misses him a lot.
Connie Wilson March 22, 2011
My Beautiful Angel, Cassi
Rebecca Anne Norris November 6, 2010
My daughter-my best friend
image Becky had a rare disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica.  Doctors told us she wouldnt live to be 2 weeks old.  We had almost 30 wonderful years with our precious girl.  I miss her every moment.  My heart is empty. 
We Miss them Always March 21, 2010
Borrowed Angels
Carol Dunphy March 19, 2010
Eric Eugene Barnett

5-12-1980 to 12-27-2009

Eric was a gentle soul, very quiet and very kind to all those he came in contact with, even those who chose to use him. He was my only son and my rock. He always made me feel special. He will make a great angel friend to you Brandon. Give my boy a hug for me..!/group.php?gid=247483965688

Fonda Silva March 7, 2010
Christopher Ryan Silva
image My Angel Christopher Ryan Silva~  I'm sure has met Brandon by now after all someone put us together. I miss him as the day is long and my heart breaks. He was (is) an awesome son and my bestfriend.
Fonda Silva March 7, 2010
Christopher Ryan Silva
image My Angel Christopher Ryan Silva Im sure has met Brandon by now after all someone put us together. I miss him as the day is long and my heart breaks. He was (is) an awesome son and my bestfriend.
Fonda Silva March 7, 2010
Christopher Ryan Silva
image My Angel Christopher Ryan Silva I'm sure has met Brandon by now after all someone put us together. I miss him as the day is long and my heart breaks. He was (is) an awesome son and my bestfriend.
Lorraine, Loving Mom June 10, 2009
Michael Malucelli
MICHAEL - was beautiful inside and out.  He was very bright and cared deeply about people and nature.  He was reliable.  He was a hard worker, very ambitious, always busy.  He had a beautiful smile.  He was 18 years of pure joy.  He was my heart and is deeply loved and missed.
Michael  5/4/73 - 2/2/92   homicide

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