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Carol Mom to Matthew Mullis
"The memory of our Angels is with us each & everyday. The love we feel within our hearts will never fade away ((hugs))"
Missing and Loving You - Mom
Hi Baby, Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you as I always do and wishing so badly you were here. I miss you so.
Mother of An Angel
Thinking of you my sweet boy and missing you so very much. How I wish I could reach out and hug you, hear your voice to comfort me
I Love and Miss you Both
So Confused, Should I be mad at God for taking Mema from us too or feel comfort knowing that now she is with you and not in pain?
Forever my Son, I Love You
Thinking of you today sweet Angel- I wonder what you and Mema are doing- does she have you playing YAHTZEE all night? I Love you
Meg Irene
Mema and Brandon, I am crying right now because I miss you both very much and love you bunches, with all my heart.
Uncle Al, Aunt Sue & Meg Irene
We love you and miss you and are comforted to know Mema is with you now.With all our love forever..
Uncle Al,Aunt Sue & Meg Irene
Just before my Mom left us, She looked up to the Heavens with wide open eyes,I know she saw you Brandon and let go to follow you.
Aunt Terry
Miss you every day, take care of Memaw. Continue to look after your MOM. All our Love
Uncle Leo
You now have someone that can walk hand and hand with you. Mema sent us a sign that she arrived OK.
My Precious Son and his Mema
Brandon, I know you were there to meet Mema when she got to Heaven and I know you will take care of her for me. I love you both
Hugs & Kisses~Aunt Sheryl
Brandon~I sit here and close my eyes and visualize you and Nate riding 4 wheelers and fishing together in God's Country! XOXO
Uncle Al & Aunt Sue
You are in our thoughts and in Hearts every day.We miss you and speak of you often.Love you forever.
Forever Loving You - Mom
My sweet baby boy-just had to stop by and light one more candle for you before the site goes down. Please stay close to me honey
Love~Aunt Sheryl
I will miss coming into see you here everyday. I will light a candle for you everyday at home until I can visit you here again!
God Bless the Angels
Brandon-Help Donny to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. Tell him I said Happy Birthday and that his family loves and misses him
losing this connection
I will really miss seeing these pages of you and your angel friends and hearing the songs I chose with such love for you. hurry 18
A Mother's Love is Forever
Brandon, I just learned that this site will be down from the 9th to the 18th for upgrades. I will light candles at home for u baby
Love~Aunt Sheryl
Sweet Brandon~Remembering you, your Gentle Spirit, your Love for Life, your Smile that lit up a room,& your Sweet Voice!XOXO
Love Always~Aunt Sheryl
Brandon~Watch over your Mom and try and visit her in her dreams. Stay close to her always. You are FOREVER Loved & Missed!
My Son, My Best Friend
Wishing you were here Brandon-to sit and just talk, play monopoly all night-watch soprano reruns by the fire. I Miss you so much
I Miss You so much - Mom
Today is such a hard day honey, your 20 month Angel Day and the start of a 2nd year that you will not be here for-how can this be?
New Year's Eve Without You
Tonight I am going to miss your voice being the first I hear in the New Year - Every year of your life we ALWAYS spoke at midnight
I Miss You so much - Mom
How can it be Honey that a whole year has passed and you were not a part of it here on earth - it's just not fair Brandon
Carol Ragsdale
Stopping by to wish you and your family a Blessed and Happy New Year. Remembering our Angels always, Love, Carol Mom to Matthe
Love~Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Forever in our hearts and always in our thoughts and prayers. We will always remember everything about you. Sweet Dreams~ XOXOXO
I Love You, Mom
My sweet boy - Please watch over little Meg Irene on her Birthday today. Send her some of your sweet heavenly hugs and kisses.
Love~Aunt Sheryl
It has been 20 heartbreaking months since you left. Endless tears! You are Loved and Missed very much! Remembering YOU Always!
Love~Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Brandon~Merry Christmas! You and your Mom were in our thoughts and prayers today. We love and miss you. Rest Peacefully. XOXO
Merry Christmas, Love Mom
Merry Christmas sweet Angel-I love you and miss you so very much. It is so hard without you here. Tell Jesus Happy Birthday for me
Broken Hearted Mom
There must be some mistake this can't be your 2nd Christmas away from home. You've been gone much too long I want you home
Love~Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Brandon~Thinking of you on this Christmas Eve. We hope that you, Nate, and all your Angel Friends have a wonderful Christmas!
Sylvia Tapscott
Brandon, I never met you but suspect you & Crystal met since your mom & I are friends now. We miss you both.
Sylvia ~ Tony's Mom
Brandon ,Please visit your sweet Mom in her dreams . The holidays are so lonesome without our boys here.
Love Always~Meg Irene
Brandon~I Love & Miss you! I sat on Santa Clause's lap and asked him for a pocketbook, a doggie, and a telephone! XOXOXO
Love~Aunt Sheryl
Brandon~stay closer to your mom during this very difficult holiday season! you are so loved and missed sweet angel~ xoxoxoxoxo
My Precious Son, I Love You
Thinking of you, missing you and loving you so very much. Please ask GOD to wake me from this nightmare, to let you come back home
I Love You Forever
My precious Son, I hope you and your Angel friends were able to see all the candles lit tonight. You are missed honey by so many.
Love~Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Brandon-Your Mom is amazing! Please stay close to her and give her signs that you are safe and happy in Paradise! XOXOXOXOXO
I Love You, Mom
Thinking of you and missing you so very much. i am wishing for a christmas miracle i know can't come true - you here at home
Thomas Vail
Watch over your mom
My Precious Son, I Love You
Thank you so much Honey for the sign you sent me this morning - I needed it and I needed you to be near me so badly and you were.
Forever Missing You - Mom
Good Night sweet Angel, please visit me in my dreams honey, let me know you are near. I need you so much right now honey. I Love U
Forever, Your Loving Mom
Thinking of you, Loving you and Missing you so very much today and every day Brandon. You mean everything to me and always will.
My Precious Son, I Love You
Honey, please watch over Mema while she is in the hospital recovering. Visit her in her dreams and give her strength and comfort.
Love Always~Aunt Sheryl
Brandon-remembering you daily~with a smile on my face and tears in my heart! you are missed and loved very much! rest peacefully!
Forever Missing You - Mom
Sending you warm hugs and gentle kisses on this cold December night. I hear your voice in the wind and see your face in the sky.
Mother of An Angel
Thinking of you today, your 20 month Angel day and missing you so much - Not a second goes by that I don't think of you. Luv U
Mom's Holiday Heartbreak
Each holiday song I hear breaks my heart knowing your not here. I can't believe this is your 2nd Christmas in Heaven. I Miss U
Love~Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Thinking about you on this cold Thanksgiving night! We will always remember that wonderful Thanksgiving feast at your home! XOXO
I am Thankful to be your Mom
My sweet Angel - I am missing you so much this Thanksgiving - every day. Remembering all the special days with you and the love.
Terrie Whiteman
Thinking of you today Brandon on this Thanksgiving and wishing you peace and love. Love, Terrie & Joey
Sylvia ~ Tony's Mom
Thinking of you and your sweet Mom . Happy Thanksgiving sweet Brandon.
Forever Loving You - Mom
Thinking of you this Thanksgiving Eve honey and remembering that very special Thanksgiving you and Nate prepared for me. Miss you
Love to you and Nate
Brandon I sadly learned tonight that Nate has joined you in Heaven - I know you were there to greet him. Hug him from his 2nd mom
Carol Mom to Matthew Mullis
Brandon thinking of you and your family during this Holiday Season sending my love, thoughts and prayers to you and mom always.
Love Always~Aunt Sheryl
You are so loved and missed! Thank you for watching over and protecting me last week! I know that you were my Guardian Angel! XO
Love~ Aunt Sheryl & Uncle Leo
Brandon~We hope that you can come through for your Mom today. Let her know how happy you are in Paradise! We love and miss you!
Love Always~Aunt Sheryl
Brandon~i miss and love you! i will always remember your sweet voice and our last embrace. you are always loved~never forgotten!
Love Always~ Aunt Sheryl
Brandon~You are always in my thoughts and prayers! I visit your website everyday. I know that you are watching over all of us!
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